Monday, September 29, 2008

As the school end nears...

... i cant help but to think about college.

Hmm. Seriously. It's finally the time of your life you actually start makin
g decisions for yourself (unless mommy's still packing your school bag for you) .

These are the decisions that will mould your future.

I know what i love...
(im a very visual person, artsy-fartsy is something i would do)

But, i know which one has a higher demand..

Which one will i be picking?

And when i pick it will i be happy?

Can i afford to choose the one i want?

Will i regret it?

I've seriously no idea.  (ooh! those common brown birds are drinking from the drain!! XD)  I  need a counsellor. I really do.

D= ohnoes.

The worst part of it all is that some people already know what they want to do, and they look awfully ok with it. It just makes me worried because im so undecided. 

Those who i want to kill are those who KNOW what they want to do, LOVE what they want to do, and can AFFORD what they want to do (time, effort and money wise).

Im just torn. D=




what about you guys? i know im not alone in this. SOMEONE SUFFER WITH ME!



sejarah. D=


rage-chan said...

Oh, don't worry too much. I couldn't decide what to do for uni, either, and although now I'm sort of tentatively gravitating towards Biomedical Science, I had also considered Medicine, Pharmacy etc. Usually health stuff. You know you like art - that's a good start. Some people are completely clueless, like they don't even have a favourite or anything.

And I go in for moneh. XDD Sort of.

Good luck on picking subjects, lewl. Where're you off to?

Noel said...

yup yup. dun wry bt it. mst ppl think they noe wad they wan until they acctually go study it. try pick sthg u like? $$$ can handle itself. no pt doin a job which u haf to force urslef to get out of bed to go to everyday next time. oni miserable even if earn loads of cash. jus my tot. go do wad u wan! ur parents sure support wan