Friday, January 30, 2009

It's my 4th day here

I'm still too tired. Lethargic even. I feel sleep every minute of everyday. =.= but i cant just decide to nap or something.

so that mean i'll be updating tomorrow. I just finally settled in college, made a bank account, and tomorrow morning i'll be getting a library card. So many important things to lug around. D=

anyhoo, played badminton with my cousin June's friends. Reminded me of swak club times, when jesse and i would play badminton and sweat like hell and get too tired to study properly for spm. *sigh* 

btw, on of my cousin's friend is sot sot one. She reminded me instantly of all my friends. =( 

shit, i need crazy laughing now.  

If you're wondering why im missing my friends more than i miss my family, the reason is.. my aunt cooks like my mom. somewhat. yeah. but i miss everyone equally. 

puut. OH i get to watch Le Grand Cirque tomorrow! free tickets!! AWESOME.

i miss you!! 

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